class file 1 « class file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Consequences of running a Java Class file on different JREs?

What are the consequences of running a Java class file compiled in JDK 1.4.2 on JRE 1.6 or 1.5?

2. Defining classes in Java files

I have found one error in my Java program:

The public type abc class must be defined in its own class
How can I resolve this error? I am using Eclipse. ...

3. How can I create a class file dynamically?

I want to create a class file dynamically. Here it goes... With the given ResultSet, extracting the metadata I want to build a class file dynamically with getter and setter methods for ...

4. Can a java file have more than one class?

What is the purpose of having more than one class in a java file.I am new to java. Edited: That can again be achieved by creating a inner class inside public class right? ...

5. Beginner Java (Help with class assignment)

This is a lab I am working for for a CSE 201. The program is supposed to read information about students and their scores from a file, and output the name ...

6. is it good "form" to declare new classes in the same file?

I code in Python a lot, and I frequently create classes. Now, I'm not sure if this is good Python form, but I just declare a class in the same file ...

7. How can I test a .class file was created?

I want to unit test my code which will have to create a .java file compile it and then the corresponding .class file should be created. How can I create the test ...

8. Determine the classes referenced in a .class file

What's the best way to (programmatically) parse a compiled Java (.class) file and generate a list of any and all other Java classes it references?

9. Java: .class file and java.lang.Class

Is java.lang.Class the same as the actual .class file? i.e. is the content equivalent? I want to send the .class over socket, and was wondering if instead of trying to find and ...

10. Java enum and additional class files

I've noticed enums introduce many additional class files (Class$1) after compilation bloating the total size. It seems to be attached to every class that even uses an enum, and these are ...

11. problems with RequestForFile() class that is using User class in Java

Okay I'll try to be direct. I am working on a file sharing application that is based on a common Client/Serer architecture. I also have HandleClient class but that is not ...

12. Recommended number of lines per Java class file

When getting metrics from a project, if you want to evaluate if a class is way too big, apart from other things, you can look at the number of lines. For Java ...

13. Could not find class when launch ".bat" file

I launch a ".bat" file to launch one java test the file contains :

<path to java> -cp<all jar available in the classpath> org.junit.runner.JUnitCore 
all jar are separated by ";" when I ...

14. Editing/Modifying a .java file programmatically? (not the .class file)

So, here is a piece of code using CodeModel that generates java code:

    JCodeModel cm = new JCodeModel();
    JDefinedClass dc = cm._class("foo.Bar");

15. Java: Multiple class declarations in one file

In Java, you can define multiple top level classes in a single file, providing that at most one of these is public (see JLS ยง7.6). See below for ...

16. In java can i have more than one class/object in a file?

So the way i've been told to do things is you have your file and the file name is and then the code is something like this:

class ClassName { ...

17. can a .class file be added to the urlpath of a URLClassLoader

I have a custom class loader which extends from a URLClassLoader. I added a .class file to the urlpath using addURL(); but when i do a class.forname() using this loader i ...

18. Getter/Setter from separate class file in Java

I'm new to Java and for a HW assignment, we had to create a Person class that has a constructor, getter/setter for the attributes of firstName, lastName, phone. That is ...

19. partial classes/partial class file

In C# .net there is a provision to have two different class files and make them a single class using the keyword partial keyword.this helps it to keep [for ex]UI and ...

20. edit java class file JAD

i need to change the access modifier of one constructor in a class file... how do i do it with jad.. thanks all... raj...

21. java.lang.ClassFormatError: Extra bytes at end of class file

I'm getting an odd error when I try and run this program. The class compiles fine into multiple .class files and I compiled it last week (before editing it) just fine. ...

22. Non class files with Java Web Start

How do you distribute other files needed by your application that aren't in a jar file? For example, the application at . The download contains Shuffle.jar, ...

23. Scripting java : Create a class in a script file

I want to create a java class in a script file (javax.script). please help

24. Weird charcters in java class file when viewed in Notepad++ or Notepad

I'm trying to view a java class file in Notepad++ or Notepad, it was in a .jar file and I unzipped it, and it has characters like NUL and DC1 and ...

25. How to parse Industry Foundation Class (IFC) files using Java?

I want to develop an application , which have to parse the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) generated by the Auto CAD software and render the 3D images in an applet window ...

26. How to determine given file is a class file?

I need to determine that whether given file is a class file or not? Perhaps I may change the extension to .exe/.xml or some other . I need to dtermine that ...

27. How can i include (constant) primitive data tables in a class?

I have some classes that need a bunch of data tables to do their work (basically arrays of primitives, byte[], short[], int[] and float[]). Some of the tables are relatively large. Initializing ...

28. When java class X required to be placed into a file named

Guys, I've come across such legal behaviour: File

final class C {}
final class D {}
class B {}
public class A {}
  1. When class X is required to be placed into its own ...

29. Getting ClassNotFoundException in java after removing class file

I removed some class file *.class from a java project. It aims to make the whole project folder clean. Since the project was compilable and running well, I suppose that it will ...

30. Java problem: multiple classes in a single file

I am not able to understand why this code doesnt compile :

 class A {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

31. How to find native instructions generated from class file

I would like to learn what native instructions Java's JIT compiler generates when it loads a class file. Is there any way of knowing it? I am working in Linux on ...

32. How do I remove all Java class files from my entire project history in Mercurial?

When I started my Mercurial project I forgot to exclude everything under my target/classes directory, such as:

Now these binary files are causing conflicts when I do a hg update. Is there a ...

33. Putting Nested Classes In Separate Files

I have a file with nested classes, but it's becoming long enough to be unreadable. Is there a way I can break out the nested classes into separate files?

34. Saving classes and objects to file (Java)

tldr: I'm new to programs with persistent data and am looking for the right way to save/load files. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I undertaking a project which involves ...

35. how to count all Operators and Operands in java class file

how to count all Operators and Operands in java class file? Does anyone have an idea?

36. Why only one class per file

Still coming from C++ I find it cumbersome to create many small helper classes and objects. Mostly because I have to have one file per class. I basically have ...

37. Java .class File (Simple)

I am sort of new to java. How can I use a compiled .class file for programming? Or, how can I use a .net dll meant for java to program? What ...

38. Java - Confused by the one class per file rule

The one class per file rule in Java has me a bit confused. I writing an Android app and trying to implement the accepted answer to this question: Common class for ...

39. Common Java technologies that actually modify .class files and their drawbacks?

At first I was a bit shocked when reading this part from the JiBX doc:

Once you have a binding definition, you need to compile the bindings into ...

40. What are the best/simplest classes used for WRITING files in Java?

Was anything introduced in Java, in the last editions (1.5/1.6) that facilitate writing strings to files (the Scanner of writing)?

41. Java multiple class definitions in the same file

just a simple question, if you have the following code in a file called

package MyPackage;

public class Example{
   void foo(){}

class A{}
class B{}
what is ...

42. Why the method .isAbsolute() on system independent class File is platform dependent in Java

From the File class JavaDoc:

An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames. User interfaces and operating systems use system-dependent pathname strings to name files and ...

43. In Java, can we divide a class into multiple files

Any possibility to divide a class into multiple physical files using Java?

44. Writing and implementing new Java class files during run-time

Is it possible to somehow 'import' a new Java class into a running program and make use of it? Could I have a program create a new File of type '.java' and ...

45. how can i find the files imported in a java class?

I don't get to see the source code but the .class file. Can I still find out the files that are imported?

46. Use a variable/array from one java class, in another. Combine simple java files?

Before I begin, let me apologize for my rudimentary understanding of Java, as i'm nearly sure this would be a simple problem for most any programmer. Basically I have two Java files: ...

47. Using JENA API - Getting all the classes from OWL file

Is it possible to get name of all the classes present in OWL file using JENA and store in the Array List?

   OntModel base = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, null);

48. Using a int value, which is in another class file?

I want to use a int value, that is in Gui.class, in DrawPanel1.class, how can I pass over the int value easily from Class to Class file? My int value: /* ...

49. How do i use a class from a different file in java?

Am new at Java and this is what am attempting to do; I Have two files located on this folder on a windows machine;

On my am making use of class Person ...

50. Multiple classes in a single Java file, each with a main method - unexpected behavior?

I have got the following code in a file called which is located inside the directory C:\D\JavaProjects

class test
        public static void main( String[] ...

51. Why do we need a magic number in the beginning of the .class file?

I read a few posts here about the magic number 0xCAFEBABE in the beginning of each java .class file and wanted to know why it is needed - what is the ...

52. Accesing a method from another class file?

I need to acces a variable (an int) from another class file. How would I do this? It's a public int, I need to get the int value and put it ...

53. Method call from a class in a separate file

I'm a complete noob obviously, but i'm trying to make a simple dummy application for a university project and i don't see what i'm doing wrong. I'm not very skilled at ...

54. How Do I Place Auto-generated Java Classes in a Single .java File?

As everyone knows - public java classes must be placed in their own file named [ClassName].java ( When java class X required to be placed into a file named ...

55. Two class files created in Apache for 1 Java File

When i compiled VisaTaxDetailsDAOHibernate java file in tomcat there were two class files created named as 1)VisaTaxDetailsDAOHibernate.class ...

56. JDK 7 class file backward compatibility with JDK 6

Which features of JDK 7 (excluding invokedynamic because it is not used by java) causing a new class file version which is not compliant with JDK 6. It seams that all ...

57. Creating a java class within the main file?

Is it possible to create a class within the same file that contains the main method? A programming contest that I'm practicing for only accepts a single file as a solution ...

58. Class File : constructor

I have a simple question concerning the File class. In an example I saw:
File path = new File(".");
I don't understand what "." means. To what directory does ...

59. Why must a file contain only a single, same-named Java class?

Possible Duplicate:
Can I compile a java file with a different name than the class?
Why must a file contain only a single, same-named Java class? ...

60. Build Java classes from template files

I am using an API, which requires lot of getters and setters and then perform the operation. Is there any template based generation of Java code, which reads APIs setters/getters ...

61. In Java, it's possible have two or more files for the same class?

I want to know if is possible have two or more files for the same class (not different classes). I want this for better organization of the code. I think that the ...

62. Why java doesn't allow two top-level class per file?

Possible Duplicate:
Why only 1 public class in Java file
public class Sample {


public class Sample2 {

why java doesn't allow this?
and why we must give the ...

63. Launching a .class file with java with a script

I'm trying to use a nautilus script in Ubuntu 11.04 to launch the currently selected file in java. So i'm trying to do java FileName in a script. Currently ...

64. How to modify the class file?

I was working on the project in eclipse in which I have added this maven dependency for PDFBOX

Maven dependency


65. Using class

When you make a File object instance in a java program, is it possible for a concurrently running program to also have access to the file for writing? So like if ...

66. java generate class file at runtime

I need to generate class at runtime, each class is mapped to a database table. Such class is model class used in ORM. When client specify a database table to work ...

67. Java Greenfoot, cannot link method between files

Working on a project in school, I'm a beginner to programming and I have big problems with the making of Bubble Shooter, I need to get all of the balls of ...

68. changing java's .class file without recompiling

is there any way to do the following. so i have a project.jar file, inside it i need to modify the string passed to some method of let's say classA.class. for ...

69. Java : adding class files in running production environment

Is it possible to just add .class files of java classes into the ear file on a running app server and not needing to restart it. How does the JVM classloader ...

70. .class file

What's wrong with those you found online? What will they and what won't they do? And which ones did you try? Writing one yourself will be a pretty big job. Greetings, ...

71. Applet class file cant be modified

xtremebass Hi Bytes, i did sample Applet program in linux environment in that place where my java is installed. when i execute the code it creates the .class file and browser ...

73. Calling a class from a different file

Im having to create a java program for a assignment and we have to use 2 files to create the program, basicly i need to create a program that will create ...

74. can we used .class file in a java program

I suspect, you have some functions in a .class file and you want to use them in your program. Is that what you looking for? Regards Dheeraj Joshi

75. How to save multiple classes in 1 file?

I'm beginner in Java code, and I can't find any way to add new classes to existing file with saved before classes. I have to write little RentCar database (without MySQL ...

76. What about class files?

77. Multiple main classes in jnlp file?

78. write to a file in another class

hi all, i have a problem regarding file/io in a class i create a file structure class Store { private File storename, manager, catalogue, order; public Store(String sn) throws IOException { storename = new File("mall", sn); storename.mkdirs(); manager = new File(storename, "manager"); manager.createNewFile(); catalogue = new File(storename, "catalogue"); catalogue.createNewFile(); order = new File(storename, "order"); order.createNewFile(); } public File getStoreName() throws IOException ...

79. viewing the contents of a class file

From all the i know the class file is a sequece of byte codes/mnemonics. What if want to see all this byte codes?What is the editor i need to use and why? I have open the class file in editors such as notepad and textpad by i get to see many special characters.I want to avoid this hope i have made ...

80. File Class

Hi; I'm trying to find out how I can get the File Object (directory) of a certain java class that I'm using. e.g. if I have Class Foo in package how can I create a file in the same directory as Foo. (From a client) When I do File file = new File("test.txt"); the file gets created in my home ...

81. About File class parameters

there have two directory: subdir and anotherdir. subdir container one class(AccessFile.class) file and one .java file( content is: package subdir; import*; public class AccessFile { public AccessFile(String fileName) { File f = new File(fileName); if (!f.exists()) { System.out.println("Not exist"); } if (!f.canRead()) { System.out.println("Can't read"); } if (!f.canWrite()) { System.out.println("Can't write"); } } public AccessFile(){ } } In anotherdir ...

82. File Class

Hey, another first poster! Welcome, Mohsinali. The listRoots method will give you an array of File objects. I've never had to solve the problem of identifying removable media, and I don't see anything obvious on the File object that's going to help. The doc for listRoots says you may also get mapped network drives on Windows, so you might have even ...

83. getting class file in java

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; //import src.javax.imageio.*; //import*; public class Graph { static private final int border =25; private BufferedImage image; private double data[]; private int width ,height; static private final int gridWidth=12,gridHeight=10; static private final String months[]={ "Jan","Feb","March","Apr","ay","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; public Graph(double data[], int width,int height) {; this.width=width; this.height=height; } private void generateImage() { image = new ...

84. Save User define class Object in to File

Here I have a class "Car". This contains several static variables & other primitives. When i'm running my app call "CollectCars",i want save a Car object (ex: honda_civic) in to a File (Say as Honda_Civic.txt) and i want load this saved object "honda_civic" back in to another application by loading that Honda_Civic.txt. I thought this may possible when i use ObjectOutputStream ...

85. The File Class

86. To Retrive classes from . java file

hi ppl..... i hav got a query.... of how to retrive which all classes are present in . java file... i.e i want the name of the the classes in a . java file........... actually my original problem is that at runtime i want to find out the class that contain the main() in a . java file... hope it wil ...

87. redirect .class files programatically

yes my friend i am using JCompiler class..... i use the follwing code it works but unfortunately it donot creats .class file of class HelloWorld but variable sucess is true that shows compilation has done successfully ..... so what do i do to create .class files at specific location say at C:/aamir this is the code i am using..... /* * ...

89. how to view CAFEBABE in class file?

Time to stick up for your favorite text editor ... KEDIT (probably out of business now) also has nice hex view and editing mode. In Windows you can use the ancient DEBUG command, too. Rename class file to .cla - only seems to recognize 3 char extension! E:\Projects\Java\W2\bin\sswiki>debug sswiki.cla -d 0B38:0100 CA FE BA BE 00 00 00 31-01 E8 01 ...

90. truncated class file problem

Hi, I'm having a problem running an app on my iPaq. The Java version is 1.3.1 and on my desktop it's 1.3.1_13. The app runs fine on my desktop but when I try to run it on the PDA i get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: MapLayer (Truncated class file) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at 1) ...

91. Getting .java file from .class file

92. How to get Java file from .class file ?

You can make it progressively harder, but a technically sophisticated user will always be able to recover the bytecodes, and run that through a decompiler. If you can require the user to be online, it may be feasible to have the application call a servlet, and execute crucial code on the server, and then send the results back to the application. ...

93. Class files related

hi , i have a question regarding the class files which we get after compiling java files. From a calss file how can we get to know which jdk was used to compile it? and will there be any difference between two class files which are obtained from compiling same java file on different systems but using same jdk? it will ...

94. where are the equivalent .java and .class file are stored ?

hi , i m using resin server Q1.when run my jsp page (stored at C:\resin-1.3.b1\doc\WEB-INF\classes ) through browser. As i suppose after compilation of jsp page there should be two new files .java and .class, the funniest thing is that, i m getting the output and i m not able to found .java and .class files anywhere i founded it using ...

95. Where to store class file?

Hello friends, Thanks for ur reply! I got the output. The actual problem was classpath is not proprealy set. and instead od saving class file in public_html i was saving it in Classes folder. It is correct or because of class path it is taking it from public_html. I am trying for both. Pl reply your suggessions. Thanks for your favourable ...

97. easy file upload class

hi, I'm looking for a fileupload-class. I know this has been discussed very often. I've already used cos. But I don't like cos very much because it saves any files uploaded in a directory and then I've to delete all these files. I'm looking for a class which gives me more control about the fileupload and which works though it's a ...

98. Can't find .class file

javac is a bit glitchy when you type exactly what you typed. You provided the -classpath switch, but didn't give it a value. It quietly fails when you do this. And Gregg: You should *absolutely* always use -classpath when compiling. There have been numerous discussions about this, most of them along the lines of "classpath, why do you hate me so?" ...

99. where will i see the class files in Visual Cafe 4.

Hi: Class files are supposed to be in the working directory. You can be sure by checking the tools > options > default directory. For Tomcat, you need to put it in a certain directory. And the web address is also special. You can be sure by going to their homepage, checking out the direction there. HTH.

100. Instance class within Tag File without scriplet?

Hello to all and thousand thanks in advance My architecture is composed by: jsp-tag handler-delegate-session-entity-db I was thinking to come near to jsp2.0 (el-jstl1.2). Is possible to instance one class into Tag File without to use an scriplet and if yes how give to class instanced some parameters? My Tag File's example is: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <%@ variable name-given="strout" ...